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CrowdSec – not your typical Fail2Ban clone

CrowdSec – not your typical Fail2Ban clone

Fail2Ban is great! While it’s not wrong that CrowdSec can be used as an alternative to Fail2Ban for ssh brute force protection, it’s not the entire truth either. Don’t get me wrong; Fail2Ban is a fantastic tool to enable. Without Fail2Ban there wouldn’t have been any CrowdSec either. The majority of CrowdSec’s founders used to […]

Crowdsourcing Cybersecurity Intelligence To Secure Society

Crowdsourcing Cybersecurity Intelligence To Secure Society

Follow this conversation on the value of investing in the security knowledge sharing economy. This profound yet fun discussion explores the power of a cybersecurity community information sharing platform as a means to not only secure your business but the neighbors around you. By collaborating and sharing information about cyber threats, we can help secure […]