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The CrowdSec Console: from private to public beta
Product Updates

The CrowdSec Console: from private to public beta

Do you want to inspect multiple CrowdSec agent signals spread across different networks and discover more about your attackers? We are happy to announce that, although still in beta, it is now available to all. Not only can you enroll all your instances, but also monitor the alerts sent to the CrowdSec community. This private-public […]

CrowdSec named a “High Performer” in the G2 Fall 2021 report

CrowdSec named a “High Performer” in the G2 Fall 2021 report

If you never heard of it, G2 is a software buyer marketplace based on user reviews and feedback. It helps millions of people every month to make software decisions. Each year, they issue ranking reports based on real-user data. Dear users, you have spoken on G2 these past few months, and your voice has been […]

Protect your PHP websites with CrowdSec

Protect your PHP websites with CrowdSec

PHP is used by 79% of the websites for which we know the server-side programming language, according to W3Techs’ usage statistics. It is evident that we needed to provide a PHP bouncer to help you secure your websites. This day has finally come. CrowdSec bouncers can be set up at various levels of your applicative […]

Meet Klaus, Head of Community at CrowdSec
Inside CrowdSec

Meet Klaus, Head of Community at CrowdSec

We are thrilled to welcome Klaus Agnoletti to the CrowdSec family as our Head of Community! Klaus has an impressive background in information security. He spent almost 20 years as an infosec professional and consultant who eventually became a senior security architect. Just a few months ago, he joined CrowdSec and jumped directly into community […]

Behold alpacas, CrowdSec 1.2 is out and it comes packed with brand new features!
Product Updates

Behold alpacas, CrowdSec 1.2 is out and it comes packed with brand new features!

For this version, we set the spotlight on notification plugins, new bouncers and a completely reworked consensus engine. Notification plugins CrowdSec is now able to notify third-party services when an alert occurs or a decision is taken (configured at the profile level). 1.2 comes with Splunk, Elasticsearch and Slack native support, while the generic HTTP […]

A quick deep dive into the new CrowdSec console

A quick deep dive into the new CrowdSec console

You may have read about our brand new console, which is currently in private beta and provides an easy-to-use web interface to inspect multiple CrowdSec agent signals spread across different networks. Today let’s take a look at it to better understand what it can achieve. To use it, you must first make sure you have […]

The French Government supports CrowdSec to remedy the rise of attacks

The French Government supports CrowdSec to remedy the rise of attacks

During his speech on February 18, 2021, the President of France presented his national acceleration strategy for cybersecurity. CrowdSec responded to this call and has been selected as part of the Grand Défi Cyber. More and more cyber threats on a daily basis 2021 has been marked by an upsurge in ransomware attacks, which have […]

Secure Docker Compose stacks with CrowdSec

Secure Docker Compose stacks with CrowdSec

This article explains how to make CrowdSec and Docker Compose work together to protect applications exposed in containers. It should allow us to: Automatically ban malevolent IPs from accessing our container services Manually add/remove and inspect ban decisions Monitor CrowdSec’s behavior (via cli and dashboards) Target Architecture The chart below shows a glimpse of how […]

CrowdSec won a Black Unicorn Award for Top 10 cybersecurity startups of the year

CrowdSec won a Black Unicorn Award for Top 10 cybersecurity startups of the year

Today we announce that we have been named a winner for the Top 10 cybersecurity startups for 2021 at the Black Unicorn Awards which are hosted by Cyber Defense Magazine and take place each year during the Black Hat USA conference. Judges Robert R. Ackerman Jr. of www.allegiscyber.com, David DeWalt of www.nightdragon.com, Dr. Peter Stephenson […]

Arturo, also a member of the Fail2ban development team, joins CrowdSec as an ambassador

Arturo, also a member of the Fail2ban development team, joins CrowdSec as an ambassador

We are happy to share that Arturo Busleiman joins our ambassador roster. Arturo is a 39-year-old programmer and security consultant from Argentina who has dedicated his life to promoting and developing open source software. His first foray into Linux began in 1995 when he downloaded mini-Linux from a BBS. Since then, he has contributed not only […]

Get started with CrowdSec v1.1.x

Get started with CrowdSec v1.1.x

The release of CrowdSec v1.1.x introduces new package repositories for the CrowdSec agent and the bouncers, making the setup process even easier. In addition to that, multiple CrowdSec agents can be connected to the console to get a unified view of the attackers. In this tutorial, we are going to cover the following: CrowdSec setup […]

User Testimonial with Yannick from Siegler Informatique
Use Case

User Testimonial with Yannick from Siegler Informatique

A short while ago, we sat down with Yannick Siegler, one of CrowdSec’s early spotters and most involved community member. Hi Yannick. Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself and your company? I have been an auto-entrepreneur for several years. I  run my own company, Siegler Informatique, offering managed services and VPS. […]

Collaboration is the Key in cybersecurity
Guest Post

Collaboration is the Key in cybersecurity

The information security industry is obviously part of the IT sector, but security companies are different from traditional software companies in many ways. If your company builds cloud services or CRM systems or search engines, you don’t have an enemy. The closest thing to an enemy would be competing companies. However, infosec companies do have […]

New packages & repositories: CrowdSec v1.1.x is out!
Product Updates

New packages & repositories: CrowdSec v1.1.x is out!

Today, along with the release of CrowdSec v1.1.x, we are happy to announce that we moved to Package Cloud, a cloud-hosted package distribution. What does that mean? We are now distributing more packages! Alongside existing ones for Debian and Ubuntu (Bionic, Bullseye, Buster, Focal, Stretch, Focal for x86-64 & arm), we now provide packages for […]

How to beat application DDoS attacks with CrowdSec & Cloudflare
Use Case

How to beat application DDoS attacks with CrowdSec & Cloudflare

Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have been targeting all types of businesses over the past few years. They have been used by hackers for quite some time and are some of the most common attacks but remain extremely efficient and harmful.  The concept is simple: hackers hammer a given target from many different locations to take […]

Our code was audited by the Synacktiv ninja team and it went well

Our code was audited by the Synacktiv ninja team and it went well

We are a security company. Our goal is to help our community members secure their assets. But one of our core values is to drink our own champagne and walk the talk. So, a few months ago, we asked Synacktiv to perform a code review on the CrowdSec agent. The tests were performed using a […]

User testimonial with Lookopen: make your security smarter with CrowdSec
Use Case

User testimonial with Lookopen: make your security smarter with CrowdSec

Did you know that every day across the Internet, each IP address is scanned hundreds of times? Or that more than 2,000 attacks are perpetrated, stealing 1.4 million personal records? That’s right, every single day! Companies, institutions, individuals are more aware of the issue than they used to be and are ready to deal with […]

A new ambassador joins the team

A new ambassador joins the team

We are thrilled to announce that Hamza Kondah is joining our ambassador roster. Hamza is an expert in computer security and MVP in enterprise security. He first started in the IT security environment on the white hat side before specializing in consulting. He is also a cloud solution integrator. Today, he mostly offers his services […]

CrowdSec, sponsor of Open Source Initiative

CrowdSec, sponsor of Open Source Initiative

We are happy to announce that we are supporting the Open Source Initiative as a sponsor. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation with global scope, formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source. OSI participates in conferences and events, to meet with open source developers and users, and […]

Gilles Babinet joins CrowdSec as a board member
Inside CrowdSec

Gilles Babinet joins CrowdSec as a board member

We are proud to welcome Gilles Babinet as a CrowdSec board member. French serial entrepreneur (founded 9 companies in the last 30 years), Gilles represents France in the Digital Champions group created by the European Union. He is also co-President of the French National Digital Council, an independent commission advising the French Government on digital matters. Gilles brings […]

Open source & fundraising: the improbable but highly appropriate marriage
Use Case

Open source & fundraising: the improbable but highly appropriate marriage

The tale of two towers There are two schools in Open source. The first one considers that pure open source should be free with no exception and that developers shouldn’t live from it but rather willingly spend their time on their art. Even though this might sound like a monk-oriented career, a lot was done […]