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CrowdSec raises $5M to transform the cybersecurity landscape with its collaborative firewall

CrowdSec raises $5M to transform the cybersecurity landscape with its collaborative firewall

Paris, May 5th, 2021 — CrowdSec, the first community firewall, which has already helped  identify hundreds of thousands of malicious IP addresses worldwide, today announced a $5 million seed round from Breega. Start-up CrowdSec aims to rethink cybersecurity by creating a collaborative endpoint detection and response (EDR), empowering a novel strategy to combat hacking on a […]

Introduction to the local API

Introduction to the local API

Since v1.0.x was released,  CrowdSec can now secure has implemented a Local API that can be requested by the CrowdSec agent or command line client, but also by remote CrowdSec machines. Let’s deep dive and explore how it works and how to make the most of it. This post is the English version of an […]

How to stop a 7k machine botnet in 1 minute with CrowdSec
Use Case

How to stop a 7k machine botnet in 1 minute with CrowdSec

In 2020, our ways of living and working turned completely upside down in a matter of days. We all brought our companies home and staying connected to our colleagues, friends and family became a critical necessity. This opened the door for hackers to cause disruption and we saw a huge increase of DDoS attacks all […]